Thursday 24 November 2016

Rehearsal #3/Prop Hunting

Before our rehearsal, I went to the weekly market in Hartlepool to see if I could find a wooden shelf (since our plastic one isn't great for production values). I found a tattered one (which really needed a wet wipe) for £10, a bargain if you ask me. So we carried it through town.

Today was our big rehearsal with all the cast at once. I was hoping some would learn their scripts, but only George at the end was off script. May I can forgive with casting her short notice. I have told them to learn it by the rehearsal next week. It went really well, we went through it quite a few times, with all the different endings. I timed it when people were more confident later on, to be 13 minutes and 33 seconds (median) which is perfect as that isn't including the narrator parts (which is about 2 minutes).

I also took a few production stills which can be used for marketing. I've also told our graphics designer to make a poster of the live stream with them, and also to make some credits (which is hard until we know who we have on crew).

Overall this was a very good rehearsal. We made a lot of progress. Our actors know their blocking and are gaining confidence with the script. 

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