Sunday 20 November 2016

Review - Fantasic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Review may contain mild spoilers (sorry I tried my best to avoid them!)

Today I went to see Fantastic Beasts, donned in all my Harry Potter clothes and my Newt coat. I chose the 3D showing and I really do not regret it. The 3D was very subtle, and not everything was in 3D which I liked and did not take away from the viewing experience like 3D normally does for me. The special effects were also amazing, and you could not tell they were animated. Technology has really advanced and it's spectacular. I still can't get over how they did Niffler ruffling Newt's hair.
I had to make my own gif of this as I couldn't find one
It was also my fave bit in the film

The film at the very beginning did not hold back, and was straight into the action, and ended very similarly, setting things up perfectly for a sequel. However, it was a bit obvious who the main villain was (trying not to spoil anything here!) due to match cuts. The plot itself was very basic; good vs evil, stereotypical mainstream step outline, hero's journey, etc. But it was an enjoyable family film. A few deaths were a bit unexpected and dark (some very similar to deaths in Harry Potter now I think of it. One almost like a possession too) hence why it was a 12A.

The characters (and creatures!) were very relatable, and even flawed. The government was flawed and even the villain seemed nice in some parts. Eddie as an actor is flawless and was very adorable in this movie, especially when he had to romanticise a Erumpent. Queenie was also stunning and underappreciated. And Jacob (the no maj (still a stupid name for muggles to be honest)) was like the audience projected into one character and was basically there as someone completely new to magic, handy if anyone in the audience hasn't seen any of the Harry Potter films before. I also love his and Queenie's relationship like YES SCREW THE LAWS OF WIZARDRY IN AMERICA BE HAPPY!

Overall, a fantastic (aye) and a very cute film. Each animal was adorable and Newt was such a sweetheart I am in love with him. Anyways! A feel good film. Would recommend the 3D. A little bit of a basic plot, but that's to be expected from a family friendly, mainstream film. (also forgot to mention, the art work was stunning)


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