Wednesday 23 November 2016

Headsets and Props

Today me and the sound designer were in so we set up the headsets and made sure they were all working. Janice was also loading her camera in the studio at the same time, so we had to stop in complete darkness. It was very nerve racking.

Very noisy pic because of the dark!

We had an issue with one of the headsets in the studio where they could hear the gallery but they couldn't hear them. I found out it was because of a dodgy headphone, so I swapped it. They all work fine now, including signal lamps. 

Thanks Ethan for the pics

We then quickly went prop hunting but only bought potion bottles. We did find some bow ties but they were expensive. Our set designer is buying some in Primark when they are at work. We also tried to find a wooden shelf but the cheapest one we could find was £70. I will look in some more charity shops when I can.

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