Wednesday 23 November 2016

It's A Man's World - Interviews

Today, I went to Verity's house to interview some of her friends about feminism. I only had one camera so I set it up on the interviewees and said to film Verity saying the questions and 'noddy shots' later on. However, I realised half way through that Verity talked more than the interviewees and they started asking her questions so I had to move the camera back and forth. I'm not sure how much of the first half is usable because the interviewees didn't say a lot, but luckily they talked more after the first half and repeated a lot of the things they said. 

I have 2 hours of footage. Some of it needs to be cut due to being too personal. I also strongly disagreed with some points raised but I couldn't say anything as I'm just a humble camera op. I also need to email someone who filmed for them last week for their footage (which made me feel great *sarcasm*) 

Dog was cute though.

Update, I've just looked at the footage/interview the other person did and looks completely different to how I set mine up. Verity should have sent me it before the interviews so I could have set mine up similarly and have the same eye-line.

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