Tuesday 15 November 2016

Bad Luck: The Read-through

Today we had our first rehearsal/read-through/quick blocking session. I met one of our actors at the train station and my friend, who I got at short notice (explanation can be found on this post here). 

We quickly went through what would happen on the actual live stream and hand gestures (that the floor manager needs to touch up on!) and also what blocking is to my friend. I played George since the person who was cast as him could not make it today, so we will have to go through it with him on Monday (we are hoping this is our next rehearsal date). 

We timed the happy ending today with the second unit material playing in the background. It came in at 15 minutes and 50 seconds, however the video was jumpy, and had a lot of pauses since actors are not too familiar with their script yet. We would like the happy ending chosen since it's the longest and the most tied up, however, we have told the script editor to change the other endings so that they are longer and start at the same point (the last narrator message) so we have time to tell the actors which ending the viewers have chosen.

The person in charge of costume have asked the actors to send pictures to the group chat of clothes they think would be suitable. My friend has also offered to make any props if we need them.

Overall, a good start! Everything is falling into place, despite a few hiccups... *looks at previous May actors*

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