Friday 11 November 2016

Pink Gym Filming

Today we filmed at Spennymoor Gym for a client after "various shots" of gymnasts around the gym using different apparatus, a Christmas shot, and a mannequin challenge. The footage is mostly to advertise their own clothes wear line. The lecturer was in charge of close up shots and I was on the wide/slider. The slider was very faulty so I took it off half way through. 

Fun fact: Amy Tinkler (GB Gymnast) trains here!
(she wasn't here today though)

I had a bit of a shaky start at first with using the wrong lens and not having time to change it, and also the fact that all the action happened so fast. However, I did get quite a lot of nice shots (the lecturer did steal my camera for a bit (eesh taking over job roles)). My favourites are a one of a gymnast in purple on the beam, a gymnast doing some ballet in a mirror and a shot the teacher of the gymnasts wanted that happened by accident; a gymnast was on the bars and accidentally took a bit of square foam with her, in between her feet. The teacher was so glad I just so happened to catch it! I had a very proud moment.

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