Thursday 17 November 2016

Studio Miscommunication and Camera Set Up

Today we planned to be in at 9:30 so we could build our set, however people were using the studio and the person with most of the props was missing (who had also 'booked' out the studio). I asked the lecturer what was happening and was told that we could have it on the afternoon. I was then told by the programme leader that we couldn't have it today at all (or until 4:30). I was very confused as I was sure we booked it out. So I have rearranged it for tomorrow.

I also went in the studio to set up the cameras with the lecturer and found out that the white curtain we would be using has been taken down and out lights have been rearranged. I thought people who last used it had to put it back the way it was, but evidently not, which is a bit shocking. I went in and helped put the curtain back up. Picture as proof:

We also set the cameras up today on the studio pedestal/tripods, also known as the Libtec 100's. There's a locking system on the plate, as modelled by the lecturer. And also a tripod like plate on the bottom of it. 

The pedestal when not locked off, should go flying up at a speed and wack you in the face. If not, it needs more air into it (use a pump). 

All the cameras have been set up now! Here's a mugshot.

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