Tuesday 15 November 2016


The actor playing May has just dropped out before the rehearsals tomorrow.


So now I am panicking so much as I need to recast and find someone tomorrow since the actor playing Benny has booked his train ticket (costing him £9?!) and can't cancel it.


I have asked the back up May if she wanted the part but couldn't commit and her parents didn't want her getting the train in the dark???


I have posted on Facebook and asked around for anyone in CCAD at that time who can read lines or maybe even cast them.


I will update this post when/if I found anyone and when I have calmed down a bit.

*UPDATE* I have managed to get my friend from Hartlepool to read through May for tomorrow's rehearsal, and if all goes well, possibly cast her. 

15.11.16 *FURTHER UPDATE* My friend turned up and was great and is reliable and can commit, so we have decided to cast her. Please see read-through blog post here for more detail.

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