Wednesday 23 November 2016

Lipstick Test #3

Another software I could use for my Sin City effect is Davinci. Jamie quickly showed me some of it, but he was still trying to get his head around it. So I installed it and looked at this tutorial to do the effect.

It went well with the flowers, creating a serial mode, boosting the saturation, then adding a parallel mode, picking a colour using the qualifier tool. Then going back to the serial mode and decreasing the saturation and boosting the saturation on the parallel mode.

However, the red of the lipstick blended with my hair so I did the same with the nodes, but had to use the 'window' tool to select the colour of just the lipstick on the parallel node.

Finished test is below. The flower at the start isn't perfect, so I will have to touch up on that small black gap in the middle of the flower. The lipstick colour still isn't perfect. This is the less time consuming of the other tests. So this looks like my best bet.

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