Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Music

Music is quite an important piece for my film. I've been told that I can use any song I want to for my creative piece so the first song that came into my head is Muse - Exogenesis (Part 3). There's one lyric repeated ("let's start over again") which is really relevant. It's very emotional. Starts off sad, ends happy! Exactly what the film I'm making is like. Muse also means a lot to me and so does this film.

However, I really want to be attatched to a charity too, so I would need to use a song I have permission for if I do this. I have found one song that could do, but doesn't have the same emotional impact (I have a feeling nothing I will find will have the same impact as Exogenesis).

I like this one a little better, but I still don't feel it has the impact of Exogenesis. I might wait to see how my footage turns out before asking a charity to be attatched to it. If it turns out well, I will use this one.

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