Sunday 30 October 2016

Visual Culture Theorists

I dug up my notes today from A Level film and found a few pieces on different theorists. However, the main module I did it on in AS have gone missing and I have probably recycled them. Typical. The below notes are colour coded; green is ones to definitely use and are relevant, yellow are ones to use as backup (they look impressive, but not 100% necessary). 

  • Laura Mulvey- 'the male gaze'. Women sexualised for male pleasure. "to-be-looked-at-ness"
  • Carol Clover - 'the final girl'. The female protagonist that survives the film (more applied to horror)
  • Barbara Creed - 'the monstrous feminine'.
  • Helsby - "voyeuristic pleasure"
  • Gauntlett - "queer theory". Identities are not fixed. Useful extract.
  • Freud - voyeurism (pleasure in looking)
  • Vladimir Propp - antagonists vs. protagonists serve narrative function
  • Todorov - equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium
  • Claude Levi-Strauss - binary opposites
  • Lazarsfeld - hypodermic needle theory. Passive audience. media 'injects' ideas.
  • Gerbner - cultivation theory. Passive audience. Repeated exposure to same values.
(side note, I couldn't find any particular people to cite about colour theory so the notes above are mostly gender)

Going through my notes, colour seems to link with semiotics a lot with what each colour means. This has made me think of possibly changing my topics. Not quite sure yet.

I have also found useful notes on the Riot Grrrl Manifesto, Surrealism (some gender studies involved) and a few key films in reference to the theories; The Descent, Fight Club...

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