Saturday 15 October 2016

Visual Influences - The Narrator

Personally, how I picture the narrator for the 2nd unit, is like the below examples. They are quite the stereotypical narrator; reading from a book, to the camera, beside a fireplace.

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

Ignoring the bad production values, the visual influences can still be used and inspired. It's also a good example if we can't get a fireplace. It's quite a basic set up- book shelves, desk.

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Speaking directly into camera/the audience. I kind of pictures him reading from a book, but in this clip, the book is behind him and he is clearly not reading from it. Another good example if we can't get a fire place (not sure about the whiteboard in the back though!)

Big Fat Quiz - Charles Dance

Pretty much exactly how I pictured it. Nice, cozy set up.

Tales of the Unexpected

Again, very similar to how I pictured it.

(Begins at 0:35 seconds until 1:09)

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