Saturday 29 October 2016

Digital Production #12 - The Quiz Show

Today we did exactly the same as last week and set up a live stream in the art cafe, but this time we took out 3 cameras, 3 microphones, the vision mixer and sound mixer. We had a few worries on the morning with us being seriously short staffed and with no extras. I asked the filmmaking people if they would want to help in the afternoon (since we took one for the team and took up being student reps for them) but didn't get one volunteer (shout out to Beth that came to help in the morning!) 

I live streamed us setting up the equipment! Just because.

We moved the equipment at around dinner time and had a small heart attack when one of the students rammed the trolly with everything on, into a kerb. Luckily they still worked (a few scratches though). A few level 4's came to help and Jamie from Level 6. Lee ended up being our quiz show host. We did a quick rehersal to make sure everything was working here. Then we did a real take. It went well, apart from a few sound issues (what do you expect, it's a cafe), a few vision mixing glitches (my bad, not sure what the black bit was about half way through), and the sound being on at the very start of the stream so you can hear me countdown.

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