Tuesday 18 October 2016

Visual Culture #5 - Gender and Film, LGBTQ+ Film and The Gaze

We have a new time for our visual culture lessons on a Monday now- 5:45-7:15. Weird times but hey it works better for the lecturer. This week we looked at gender in film, but first we had a quick history lesson in feminism.

Mary Wollstonecraft fought for equal rights and in the mid 1800s women could study freely. First wave feminism started with the suffragettes and a campaign for education. Second wave feminism in the 1960s saw the end of WWII (where people realised women could handle the men's jobs at home fine) and the introduction of the contraceptive pill. Third wave feminism saw the riot grrrl and ladette culture. Transgender rights and queer theory also emerged at this time (1990s). 

PLEASE APPRECIATE THIS GIF it took me so long to find out the name of this film and a gif apart from Marla Singer
Future reference the gif is from The Last Seduction

Fourth wave feminism in 2008 saw the rise of the internet and social media. People wanted justice. There are three main type of feminists;

  • marxist feminists - blame class for inequality
  • radical feminists - blame patriarchy for inequality
  • liberal feminists - believe legal reform will change inequality
Some film theorists now! This part of the seminar was mostly names (most of which I have learnt in A Level. I have also added some of the theorists I looked at then in the list);

  • Laura Mulvey - the male gaze. 3 different gazes (director, protagonist and the spectator). Women as decorative objects.
  • Carol Clover - the final girl
  • Barbara Creed - the monstrous feminine
  • Freud - voyeurism (pleasure in looking)
A few books I could look at:

  • Simone de Beauoir - The Second Sex (1949)
  • John Berger - Ways of Seeing [chapter 2] (1972)
  • Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth (1990) [third wave]
  • Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique (1993)

  • 1920s - The Flapper
  • 1930s - Hollywood
  • 1940s - Noir, femme fatale, trophy (Double Indemnity)
  • 1950s - Monroe, Bombshell
  • 1960s - Dorris Day


We had a very quick look at homosexuality in the classical ages and also the hays code. Also briefly mentioned cross dressing. The rest of my notes don't make sense as the lecturer was going too fast. Something about Warhol.



In Tuesday's seminar, we looked at gender, identity and 'the other'. I didn't get very useful notes that I didn't already know, the lecturer also wasn't confident, constantly saying it's "very confusing".

"Some gender differences in the mind and behaviour may in part be the result of our biology (prenatal hormones and genes) interacting with our experience) but the old “nature vs. nurture” debate is absurdly simplistic and a moderate position recognises the interaction of both." - Simon Baron Cohen

I wonder if they're related

We then looked at the gender spectrum which could also link to colour theory. The lecturer then went to list every gender (a bit pointless to be honest). I won't be typing these up because there's too many and it's on the VLE. 

We then looked a bit at 'two spirit' which is when North Americans mix gender roles within first nations and native american tribes. Mahu means both male and female genders.

Another mention of Tangerine. Comparing colouring books ('beautiful girls' vs. 'brilliant boys'). A quick look at Grace Jones singing with a hula hoop (not sure what this has to do with gender. Any other Grace Jones video would be understandable). We then somehow talked about facebook privacy, again not sure what this has to do with gender.

Had to post this because Tom

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