Wednesday 12 October 2016

Digital Production #7 - Live Stream Test

Today we got thrown in at the deep end and we had to set up three cameras and one microphone into the vision and sound mixer, with the cables we learnt about. It went really smoothly! We did a quick live stream of a water bottle and we had to sell it, but then reveal it was special Halloween water (I don't know why it was a random brief). I somehow ended up as sound mixer and I think I did a pretty good job!

We then discusses the ideas that the filmmaking pathway pitched to us on Monday. We have come up with two ideas from them merged together; the 2nd unit being a narrator telling us a story, cutting back to the studio where three fake fortune tellers are telling a shifty guy's "fortune". Turns out he has a knife or a gun in his bag (where they search for clues about him). Don't quite have an ending yet! I suggested we could do a online vote where people vote for the ending they want (Trail to Oregon does this). So I have asked the person who came up with the idea to put together a script when they can with three endings. Understandably, his commitment is with the filmmaking pathway and their Kodak module, I still hope they can write a basic script for us since none of us are screenwriters.

The lecturer then showed us Dr Marenghi's Darkplace for the idea of the narrator. I have seen this already and it's a good series once you start to appreciate the bad production values. Hopefully ours will be a bit more polished though!

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