Saturday 22 October 2016

Digital Production #10 - Live Stream Test (on location)

Today we took out some of the equipment to the art cafe (the computer, one camera and sound) to see if we could hook it up. We had a few issues when we thought we hooked it up; we plugged the camera into the wrong inputs on the computer (note to self, they are the ones marked input...) There was also a few sound issues where it was playing the sound on the computer rather than on location.

We planned to do some live voxpops of people's favourite films but there wasn't many people. I managed to do one, but the sound was muted on the computer. Andrew then messed around with some of the features on the software on this stream. Since there was no one in the art cafe, we decided to do a stream of our choice instead. We did a game playthrough, a photoshop drawing, and a pool game. Overall it was a fun day's filming, we successfully set everything up in the art cafe and back in the gallery again. Next week we are doing the same, but with the vision and sound mixer and with the level 4's! 

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