Wednesday 19 October 2016

It's A Man's World - Planning Meeting

Today I met up with a fellow student in CCAD to talk about a project she wants documenting/filming. It's about female sexuality and it's quite provocative. Just a warning I will be talking openly about this on the blog as it's what the person wants and to get my ideas across.

The documentary will be about rape and sexual culture and will track the progress of the client finding research and painting and also her views on the subject. There will be a photoshoot with other women saying about their experiences and later stripping down. Verity wants very sexual images because "sex sells" and also to make it shocking and visceral. There will also be interviews of men and their opinions. 

Verity also wants a trailer with a close up of her boots and fish net tights, dragging a baseball bat behind her (possibly a colour splash), throwing the bat at a penis shaped pinata. I suggested going to stage design for this. There might also be a few clips of the documentary. She wants the trailer black and white, so it looks sleek.  

She also showed me a few visual influences, mostly perfume adverts, and a Lily Allen music video. She loves the idea of a tape recorder playing the interviews like the Monroe advert. I said I have a record player but not a tape recorder, so that's a suggestion. 

Since the video is quite dark and sexual, Verity wants some form of humour in the documentary, such as her wearing a monkey onesie while we do VoxPops, outtakes at the end. 

She also wants a huge premiere at Wynyard Hall (hopefully I can arrange this, filming there before they know my face) with a party bus just to say thank you to everyone involved. I suggested if she wanted fame, to get a few charities attached. I know someone who did this and got a lot of views because of it. I also suggested taking screen grabs of Facebook as she gets a lot of misogynist comments on her wall. Another idea Verity had was following her in a night club or where she works as she gets a lot of weird comments about her looks.

I have suggested we start shooting ASAP (hopefully this weekend as she is working on some art right now). 

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