Monday 24 October 2016

Domestic Abuse Chairities

I have developed my visual culture creative piece lately and decided to cover domestic abuse in LGBTQ+ relationships. I feel like it's something not covered in the film industry, covers the topic of gender, and can also portray my idea of using one colour instead of dialogue in each scene (like Sin City). 

I have researched into a few charities I could possibly message to attach their name to the project (this is more for post production, but I felt that if I researched into it, I could portray it more truthfully).


National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline. 

Some useful information on what exactly domestic abuse is too.

Emotional and practical support for LGBT people experiencing domestic abuse. Abuse isn’t always physical- it can be psychological, emotional, financial and sexual too. Speak out, don’t suffer in silence.

London LGBT Domestic Abuse Partnership

If you are in London, the LGBT Domestic Abuse Partnership can help too. The DAP is made up of 4 LGBT agencies who each provide different services for LGBT victims/survivors of domestic abuse. With one phone call, you will be linked in with Galop, Stonewall Housing, LGBT Switchboard, and London Friend.


Information on LGBT's rights when it comes to domestic violence and guides to read through.


Not for LGBT specifically, but they look for new ways to stop domestic abuse. My film might be useful.

A few more domestic abuse (in general) charities;

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