Monday 16 November 2015

Digital Production #9

Today the Level 5's got me out of Digital Production to help them out on set of their live brief, which will be a separate post, found here.

Before I went, I did pitch my Digital Production assignment idea which I loved and was very proud of. The pitch of which can be found here:

But Mike turned it down as the Mayor dresses up as the monkey. I was aware of this while making the pitch but it is completely different and not affiliated with the Mayor or the Football Mascot. I thought it was a fab idea with a possibility of going viral online.

So I didn't win basically. Mike went with Andrew's idea with interviewing past CCAD students (and a guy dressed up in a monkey suit please and thank you). I was assigned as producer for it which I'm totally cool with as I am well organised. I just need to find a bit more enthusiasm towards the brief. In all fairness, I'm not totally sure what Andrew's idea is. Hopefully by next week when he has a script, I will be more sure and more enthusiastic. 

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