Monday 16 November 2015

Scunci Insta-Twist

Today the Level 5's got me out of Digital Production to help them out on set of their live brief- Scunci Insta-Twist (a hair braiding tool like the ones you get in the 90s). 

I was told to be in for 9am but we didn't set off till over 10am (off to a great start) to Summerhill. The producer, Jamie then bought everyone coffee's which lifted everyone's spirits.

With the director and 16mm camera no where to be seen, people were getting restless. They appeared four hours late as the camera kept getting jammed. Would have made sense to test the camera out before the actual shoot to avoid this scenario from happening. We then went to McDonalds to warm ourselves up and to pass the time before the director came.

Eventually, we got started. Glenn (the director) wanted an establishing shot of people jamming and moshing in a field to show it's a festival. However, rapidly losing daylight, it took ages to get that one shot. I suggested to do the shots of the hired actors first as you could do the establishing shot of anyone anyday- they only have the actors today. Totally ignoring me, they continued the establishing shot. 

Then we finally started on the hired actors script. The director also wanted us to take off our parkers to make it look like the middle of July, but parkers are a festival coat and I refused to take mine off, as mine was the only thing keeping me warm, wearing only tights, shorts and a shirt under it. The sound died, but they kept filming. The next shot they got was someone coming out of a tent with their hair braided. Then we lost daylight. So in 6 hours, we got 2 shots. Fab. But I still had a good time seeing how 16mm worked and how each role works as a whole. Jamie bless his cotton socks, couldn't stop apologising for how late we started and offered us a Spoons to say sorry. Jamie was an amazing producer and made us all feel welcome. It wasn't his fault. I wish them all luck to try and get it in the can!

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