Sunday 22 November 2015

MM&I - Andy's Shoot

Friday 20th November

After a few strange looks carrying a cool lamp tripod on two buses (Andy left it at the Uni), one person thought it was a trombone?! And a grumpy bus driver who challenged my age and didn't tell me when to get off (thanks to the kind stranger telling me where the bus stop was!), we met up and had breakfast in Wetherspoons, discussing the plans for the day.

Today we did all the shots at Andy's house. We wanted to do some establishing shots of the woods but we rapidly lost daylight and had an incident with the camera, which set us back quite a bit. 

The men decided to take over and set up the lights while I died (started sneezing and sniffing all morning. I was worried it was a cold but Andy's miracle peppermint tea set me right). However, while Richard was plugging in his headphones, he leaned on the camera and made it go out of focus, and we couldn't correct it. After phoning Mike and Lee, we were told it was a broken camera. We hang up and Andy decided to take it off the tripod to look at it and it suddenly corrected itself! So we rang up again saying we fixed it. 

We then did some outside shots of Andy doing archery which I was really proud of. I then got to have a go of Andy's bow, which had a bigger poundage than mine (which also messed up my draw back technique), but my grouping is still spot on. 

Sunday 22nd November

Today was paint balling day! Me and Richard got a lift from Andy's very kind friend Ryan who was also an extra in his film. Touchdown in Thirsk and so glad I wore multiple layers. I also brought a flask and coffee but we didn't have time to stop and sit down, plus we finished earlier than expected.

Weather was on and off all day, but we had shelter from the trees. We tried to put the waterproof cover on the camera but couldn't with the fig rig on, so we improvised and used Andy's hoodie. 

After falling over once and nearly again on some nettles, we got most of the shots done. We then needed to fire some paint from the paint ball guns. Andy, well thought through, had a spare piece of glass to put over the lens to stop any paint. I still ended up with some on me (and the camera but it all came off). 

I really enjoyed being camera op for Andy's shoot and thinking of creative camera angles. I'm seriously thinking camera op is the path I should take, not directing. I really enjoyed it and apparently I have a good eye for shots.

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