Monday 23 November 2015

Scunci #2

We finished filming the rest of the Scunchi advert today (I didn't really want to miss any more of Digital Production but I signed a form saying they needed me and I owe Jamie a favour for being my narrator (thanks Mike for letting me go)). 

Today ran much smoother than last week. I wrapped up a bit warmer and we started shooting pretty much as soon as we got there which was great. 

I was talking to Dan (the camera op) for most of it so I could see the 16mm in action. I learnt that it was veryyyy sensitive; one drop of water on the lens could effect everything. It's also very heavy and fragile. I love the sound it makes when it starts recording. 

After getting everyone who needed to go done first, I stuck around till the afternoon for my bit. And of course, it started to rain for my acting début. We all persevered and froze (a few sound worries but hopefully nothing too major!)

Production takes it's toll on this small hedgehog

Special mention to all the level 5's (especially Mikey who never stopped smiling once) who kept all out spirits up, playing Christmas songs and dancing and just generally fooling around. It was fab working with you all.

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