Tuesday 17 November 2015

Professional Studies #4

Today we looked at Writing a Report. Sue and Liam also do a Study Skill session on report writing on the 27th January which might be helpful to go to, but what I learnt today with Mike seemed pretty straight forward. I'm pretty sure I've even written part of a report before. (it all came back to me)

Reports are not essays. They are based purely on facts with no opinions (you could recommend something though). The VLE has most of the report layout and what to include. I'm going to write some of it here anyway.

  • Title page 
  • Acknowledgements 
  • Contents 
  • Abstract or summary 
  • Introduction 
  • Methodology 
  • Results or findings - include different primary data; pie charts, questionnaires, tables, etc.
  • Discussion 
  • Conclusion and recommendations 
  • References 
  • Appendices - do not count as word count! Information related to the report but not essential. 
I have started brainstorming what topic I would want to do my report on, which I will include in another post.

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