Friday 6 November 2015

MM&I - Progress

Good news on the narrator front! Managed to find someone who has replied and shown interest to be in my film. We are planning to record Wednesday afternoon in the studio.

The studio has been booked and I have been given the go-ahead to book out equipment and shoot on the beach on Saturday. Risk assessment forms have been signed. Shot lists have been finalised and uploaded onto the group VLE page. 

A few props however have been problematic to find. Went on a hunt in Uni today to find a Graduation cap and gown but turns out they rent theirs in and don't have any. Ebay is too expensive and no one has any spare on Facebook. So I'm making my own.

Made a Graduation cap out of cardboard and I am currently painting it black and I am just using a cloak as a robe. Since the shot is an MCU I should be able to get away with it.

UPDATE: Cap is now fully painted with a tassel on it. Looks quite realistic!

Friday I am recording the Sunderland house exterior.

Furthermore for the beach, I have checked tide times and weather which are also on the VLE. I have asked my crew to be there for 10 am (the tide is lowest at 11 but I'm giving them an hours grace to get lost, get on the bus, set up, etc.)

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