Sunday 15 November 2015

MM&I - The House Shoot

Today was mostly coverage shots so I didn't ask my camera and sound op to come as 1) transport on a Sunday is a pain. 2) I didn't want them to spend more money on transport.

So I got my mother to help out again (thanks again) and my friend who took A Level Film to also help out (thanks Melody!). 

We got a lot done. We also got an exterior shot of a kinda gothic house (yayyyy). It's not quite as impressive but it will have to do with such short notice and on the final day of booking with the camera.

Today I learnt to not stress over the small things. My friend was over an hour late due to circumstances and I was panicking thinking I wasn't going to get all the shots done. So I did what I could on my own and realised I didn't actually have much more to do. Stressing over small things is one of my character flaws. I panic when I forget to eat the ready cooked chicken in the fridge that goes out of date tomorrow. Not quite sure how I'd overcome this but today was a step in the right direction. It all turned out well in the end. 

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