Saturday 14 November 2015

MM&I - The Beach Shoot

After a small panic of a last minute weather change to rain and strong winds, I quickly booked out a rain cover for the camera and a microphone sock (can't remember the professional term for it. Was it a muffler?) to keep the microphone warm (..... as well as shielding it from the wind obviously). 

Everyone on time (yay!), we got started on the shots. 

Again, we nailed each shot. The caterer (my mother) came at dinner with a picnic and warm drinks (thanks again!). I also needed her to film my last, and possibly most complicated shot; the tracking, zoom out, 180 pan of the crew and the ocean, on the fig rig. Turned out well and we were done quicker than expected, just in time as the weather took a turn and started to spit on to rain and the tide was just about coming in. 

I learned to wear more appropriate shoes next time, not just the ones that look more aesthetically pleasing for the footage. I also learned that my last minute organisation skills and time keeping are top notch. 

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