Friday 13 November 2015


Friday all I needed was two shots (one was quite a while away too) so I didn't get my camera and sound op. I'm very glad I didn't too as it was a total waste of time.

Well, I did get one of the shots I wanted done- a CU of a cat. HOWEVER, I asked permission on Monday from Langham Towers in Sunderland if I could film the exterior of their building for my project as I wanted an establishing shot of a beautiful, big gothic house. They said it was absolutely fine as long as I came after dinner on the Friday. So I did, came with my camera, after a long bus journey. I went to reception to announce myself to just say yup I'm here like we arranged, do not be alarmed. 

Well... That's what I hoped what would happen.

The receptionist said to me that they hadn't logged such a conversation (basically calling me a liar). I stood my ground, saying I called on Monday and I am a real student. After calling my lecturer to confirm my identity, they still refused me to film the outside just in case I accidentally have a student in shot (even though the receptionist said to me that they are all in exams...) I stood my ground further saying I had a long journey, booked out the equipment for this and I assumed it was all arranged for me to film and the shot of the exterior is a vital shot for my project. They still turned me down as I needed an escort to take footage and they were short staffed. They then tried to have another go at me for not asking who I was speaking to and why I didn't email them. 1) They said they were 'Sunderland High' when they picked up the phone. Well sorry for not establishing a first name relationship basis with them, didn't really think of that. 2) There was no email on the site. Believe me, I wanted to email them more than phone them but I searched for ages trying to find one, but only came up with a phone number (that wasn't even for the right school. Luckily they gave me the right one.) Defeated and fuming, I walked away. 
What could have been...

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