Wednesday 18 November 2015

Professional Studies - Report Ideas

I've just had a quick brainstorm of topics I would be interested in for my Professional Studies report:

  • The 'male gaze' and masculinity in the media. Mike said something about contextualising this one. Not quite sure what he meant (surely masculinity is a context?) Just thought it would be interesting to apply it to Noir films and whether the male gaze is being replaced by the female gaze. If not, I could do being a female in a mostly dominated male industry.
  • Digitalisation in Film. and whether cinema is being replaced by DVDs and VOD. I still have some statistics from a Lord David Putnam lecture I went to about this. 
  • Female directors. I'm aware some other people want to do this in the class and questionnaires maybe difficult for this one. It might be interesting for me to do next year since I have a female director for the BBC as one of my contacts (Annie Griffin). 
  • Movie remakes. I thought it would be interesting to look at why classic movies are being remade and what their appeal is. Questionnaires for this topic would also be easy and I would get loads of good responses. Here's a list of recent movie remakes: notice how many are classics. 
I'm still having a think about ideas and I will update this post with any further developments. 

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