Well, it's been a while (4 years!!!) since the last Thor film and well, it wasn't great lest be honest. I was excited and nervous going into the cinema but let me tell you, I felt like a proud parent after it. Ragnarok was definitely a step in the right direction for the Thor films and the MCU in general.
Overall there wasn't a lot to analyse shot wise. HOWEVER there was a lot mise-en-scene wise (can this count as minor research?). The planet Sakaar was rich in colours, which is a bit ironic seeing how post-apocalyptic it and the inhabitants are. It also reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games with the Capitol and how there was a rich centre and people dressing expensively when people were dying and malnourished. Colour was definitely the stand out in the film and was used amazingly; even the trash was colourful. All of Hela's scenes were dark with no colours, and felt like this was done on purpose with colour correction. The Willy Wonka reference on Sakaar was also really weird but funny.
Now it doesn't look very colourful on here, but it does in the film
I was looking forward to Valkryie but her introduction was horrible in my opinion; not funny at all and cheesy. But I grew to like and relate to the character. Can't wait to see more of her! I also want to know where Sif was in the film (didn't cover what happened in the actual film but there's been plenty of speculation). It was nice to see the rest of the other Warriors 3. I am very glad Jane has gone though. The Doctor Strange cameo was all I could have wanted and more. It was hilarious and made my hyped for Infinity War! All the characters are meeting and it's building up and I'M SO EXCITED! (it was also veryyy convenient that Thor gained his super power before Infinity War- this isn't a spoiler as it was in the trailer).
The first half an hour of the film felt a bit rushed and fast paced in my opinion. I did like the very start of the film, it just went a bit fast after that. Didn't know where to look and just needed a scene to get my breath back and think about what just happened. The rest of the film was fine after that though. It just felt like they rushed to get Thor to Sakaar then took their time after that.
Now I said colour was the highlight (colour pun?) of the film, but soundtrack was also pretty close. The theme sounds like something that came out of War of the Worlds which I loveeeee (see below for a Spotify embed), and was also VERY happy that Immigrant Song from the trailer also featured in the film (twice, sorry if this counts as spoilers!).
However, the songs and the humour involved (there was a lot of adult references. So be warned if you bring kids. I heard one kid go to their parents asking what an orgy was, so good luck with that) was very similar to Guardians of the Galaxy. The introduction of Sakaar and other planets was also very similar to this, and maybe even the soundtrack. Personally, I wouldn't say this was a bad point as I love both, but some people might argue that Ragnarok isn't original. But hey, what in the film industry is?
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. I've learnt not to trust Marvel trailers ever again though as there was a lot missing and edited differently (some people picked up the Hela scene in a field vs. a back alley being one). I saw the film in 2D but I might go again for it in 3D IMAX to see the difference. ALSO please bring me more Thor and Loki brotherly love and stories when they were younger. LOVED the small story with the snake.