Thursday 16 November 2017

After Effects

I like to think I have mastered After Effects after my Minor. I have done a full blog post focused on Kinetic Typography as that was one of my main features of the video (blog post is here). I have also made shapes and grids, and cried over rendering errors. I will talk about each in this blog post.

The kinetic typography took about 5 days to complete and 292 layers of text. I spent way too much time on this which I regret, and even more time trying to export it. I've had every error message under the sun; no disk space, no special characters, and just plain "error". 

Same Beth

My After Effects experience has been mostly negative and time consuming and doesn't look very impressive (could have probably done the normal writing in less than a day on movie maker or powerpoint). I'm also a bit angry that the beginning transitions are different to the end (that comes up word by word). I spent a lot of time on it and I wanted it to be perfect, but I will just have to live with it, as I am not rendering it again this close to the deadline. 

I made my own rule of thirds grid in After Effects too, which was essentially drawing and duplicating lines with the pen tool. I also added pictures of colour wheels and historians (royalty free!) and made sure they were of a high quality and made the backgrounds transparent on photoshop (which is fairly straightforward using the lasso tool). 

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