Friday 3 November 2017

Editing/First Draft

Just noticed as I was editing that I didn't pull focus on the suitcase shot (basically because I was short on time and didn't check the script, but also because the movement happened a bit fast and I wasn't sure how to frame it). So I've had to cut that out. This probably could have been avoided if I did my narration after filming the props, but I couldn't do that due to equipment and studio availability (and also deadlines). 

I'm also panicking as I can't find the clip of the voice actor talking about rule of thirds which is very important! I know we did it on the day, but I don't know where the clip has disappeared to. *UPDATE* I found it. Crisis averted. I also need to put the grids on this part of the video.

The bulk/first edit is not officially done. It's 5 minutes 30 seconds so it might be a little too long. I can take the gaps out later, at this point, I was focusing on getting the best audio takes together with some visuals. I also need to look at colour correction (especially for the blackmagic footage) at one point. There are a lot of gaps at the moment, which I will hopefully fill with titles made in After Effects (research for this will be on another post). 

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