Thursday 2 November 2017

Voice Over - Filming

Today was the narrator shoot for my Minor instructional video. I got the equipment out, set up and tested on the morning (first time I have used the Zoom!) and got the actor in on the afternoon. The Zoom was fairly easy to get the hang of and straight forward, but all my clips went into like 20 different folders which was a bit of a pain. I also had to move rooma halfway through as I could hear people in the edit suite/base room being very loud even though I said to stop (people were also editing sound in there, so I dread to think how they were managing). I ended up moving into the Gallery (there were still some heavy footed people outside for a few takes and an annoying hum, but it was much better). 

My original set up in the client suite. The gallery set up was very similar.

Ideally, I would have liked to film the visuals first, then the narration, but due to equipment and actor availability (and deadlines fast approaching) I had to do it the other way around, which lead to some problems, including lines being cut and visuals not working. I will talk about this more in my concluding post and evaluation.

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