Wednesday 8 November 2017

Presentation Worries

I have quite a few worries about the presentation next week. The main one being how I will present mine in the studio when the live stream will be set up (presumably) in the seminar room. I will have to ask the lecturers about this either tomorrow or Friday. I can always present it in the seminar room not a problem. I am also quite behind on editing (was hoping to get everything done today) and I still need to colour correct and do my typography (and maybe cut it down as it goes slightly over the 5 minute mark). 

I've focused mainly on research this week which I will use in my presentation, but I feel like I should do a lot more. However, with time restrictions, I cannot. If the deadline was a bit later, I feel like I could have gone more in depth with my study. I've also had little time to complete my survey as promised in my Learners Agreement. I've had 11 respondents but the survey was quite in depth and I can use the answers (will cover this on a different blog post). 

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