Thursday 2 November 2017

Kinetic Typography

There are a lot of gaps in my main edit video which I will either fill with stock footage if it is an example, or I will fill it with text from the audio. I am looking into moving text titles, called 'kinetic typography' in After Effects. I have never used it before and it took me about an hour to type in a word, and it crashed while exporting. Hopefully (time permitting, I'm focusing on the bulk edit at the moment), I can look at this further next week and actually export something without the computer crashing.


06.11.17 - I have experimented a bit more and this video is very long winded, so I have done a basic sync up. I had a quick look at the animations but I'm unsure if they are needed and looks like they will take up a lot of my time (which I do not have). I think I'll do another basic edit of everything like this, and if I have time, animate them where relevant. 

I've learnt a few shortcuts how to sync the words up (it did take me 2 hours to figure it out though).

A possible pointless step looking at paths and masks. Might come back to this later.

This is what I have done today. Doesn't look like much, but I'm hoping the rest will be quicker. I have installed After Effects at home too so I can have even more time. 

07.11.17 - I didn't get any further animating it. I also had a quick look at templates online but they were even more complicated! I've found a better video which I will use for the next part of the writing.

08.11.17 - I got a lot further with the above tutorial. However the software on my laptop wouldn't let me play the video and audio track together (which took me a while to figure out). 
Keyframing a bounce

Basically, I just had to keyframe where I wanted the writing to pop up (and I added a little bounce to it). I saved the animation and dropped it on the others. So hopefully it won't take as long for the rest. (I even had to tutorial the best render settings to upload this video). Okay it's taking me a while to do it for the rest so I'm prioritising at the moment. I'll see how much I can get done the next few days and if it's possible to do the whole video like it.

15.11.17. 292 layers later and I'm done. Most of it is very basic, and I only animated the Google voice (to make it stand out). I would have liked to experiment with more transitions but it was very time consuming and I had to prioritise. I feel like I have learnt a lot in After Effects so I will upload a blog post on all the skills I have learnt on it. I have almost the final edit! Just need to colour correct, replace the doll angle shots with images (they are too shakey!), take out some of the pauses and boost the audio levels. I had trouble exporting it, can only find answers on forums that say it is because of accented characters. But it's still coming up. Might have to ask Lee tomorrow if I still can't figure it out. This whole thing has been soooo time consuming. 

*UPDATE* A few various error codes later, I have an exported kinetic typography project! asjhshkj never using after effects again. I've also just noticed that the beginning typography is different to the end (it comes up in chunks rather than word by word). I don't really have time to fix this, I got my Mam to watch it and she didn't notice. However, I do want it perfect. Might do the other things first and come back to it, but part of me wants to do it now. To be honest, I'm not sure why I didn't do them all in chunks. Would have saved me a lot of time.

A whole lotta layers!

Render error

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