Friday 17 November 2017

Presentation Evaluation

Today we presented our Minor projects in front of the other levels (but we were watching a live stream next door). It was a bit of a weird set up with some technical dificulties (and two being shown in the studio, so they couldn't be shown live). 

The presentation went well, I think I finished slightly early, but I said quite a lot (maybe a bit too fast!). The props also looked good in the studio as an exhibition, I feel this was an original and innovative way to present. I went in the day before to make sure everything was set up and working, and also on the day for any last minute preps (had to buy some pegs for the gels so it was a good thing I went in the day before!) I’m very glad it worked out and looked good. I did want some audience participation and for people to pick out their favourite prop, the strongest emotional one, and if they look and feel different compared to how I filmed them. I only got a few responses, but I guess from the silence that people agreed with what I said in the presentation.

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