Thursday 16 November 2017

Future Benefits

My Minor project can be relevant to any project as it focuses on props, lighting, camera. I have a more fine tuned and perfectionist mind set when it comes to mise-en-scene (I'm literally analysing every scene in a film now. My current favourite is this one from Baby Driver) which will help in the industry if I decide to get a job in the art department or as a cinematographer as I can see what works in frame, how to compose it and the science and history behind it. I have developed my skills in the Black Magic cameras in time for Final Major and also helped out on some projects (which also included the Black Magic) to include in my showreel, which will be useful in the industry and one of the most important things for a job. I also did an essay to further enhance my terminology and a mindset to spot mise en scene and how to improve it. A lot of work went into my Minor and the research and I hope it shows. 

I have also enhanced my editing skills, especially on After Effects and Davinci, which will be useful if I decide to edit as a job, and hopefully edit a Final Major (in a perfect world, I'd love to camera and edit). I'd like to look at Premiere Pro as it can also be used in the industry (will probably do this in my own time during Christmas and as part of my professional studies). 

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