Tuesday 30 January 2018

Underwater Test Footage

Today the director and a few people did some tests to see how we could film 'underwater'. However I was poorly today so I know very little about what happened and how. I offered to film it Thursday which would have been better but it didn't happen for some reason. I will analyse what pictures and footage I was given (and some info about how it was shot on the camera). 

Picture by Janice

Basically the idea was that we would have a perspex box full of water above someone lying down on the ground. Judging from the pictures the fps is 25 and the f stop is 4 which is fine and what I had in mind for the project. However I couldn't find a definitive answer for what mm the lens was (just that they used the zoom lens but not all the way). Looking back at the shots, the editor had to crop some of the box out so I think a bigger mm lens would have worked better (or even move the tripod down a bit rather than on a table). 

Picture by Janice

I'm not sure why there's blood dripping, I'm sure it will make sense when we have a finished script. I'm also concerned by the above picture and if the house lights were on while filming (but looks like they are off on the very first picture). I am also concerned with having a male model as there will be a girl with very long hair underwater and would have been beneficial to test how the hair would move (or not and why). 

Looking at the colour graded footage, the very last shot works the best. In the first two, you can see the scratches on the perspex box which ruins the illusion. In the third one, my issue is the bin bag background as the creases also ruin the illusion, and the same with the fourth (if the fourth one was ironed out, it could work). The fifth one is by far my favourite, not sure what the background is on this one (possibly bin bag, might be best if we just ditch this and use bare ground, or find a better black background). The lighting above the box works particularly well for these shots. Unsure if there was any other lights present. 

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