Wednesday 17 January 2018

Day 1 - MNIJ

Day one of filming My Name is John. I was very nervous on the morning as it's our first day working with a professional actor. I packed everything I could think of and planned everything so we could also come across as professional. Today was the kitchen scene with John and Julie and it was their first day meeting each other (would have liked a read through, but John's tight schedule meant otherwise). I was glad they got on quite well, and the co-director did some exercises with them to get into character.

One thing I didn't plan for was our DoP being stuck and having to go get him. Me and the 1st AD set up while this was happening (I am very glad they were there otherwise I would have been on my own setting stuff up and also making sure the actors are okay). It was not very professional and I'm not quite sure how this had happened. But I have made sure it doesn't again. 

Getting the cards falling out of the cupboard was also super tricky. I did ask for tests to be done the day before and the cupboards to be cleared, but me and the 1st AD did this on the day (not ideal). They didn't fall very well on the wide shots but luckily John had an idea later on in the day of how to make them fall effectively, balancing them inside and carefully closing the cupboard with a fish slice.

One shot was particularly tricky which involved taking the camera off the tripod and following Julie into the other room. We rehearsed it and I pulled focus where necessary and it worked quite well. I was debating whether to get cutaways of the cards falling on their own but it would have been difficult using it in edit as we are going with the one camera set up and having them might allude to having two cameras. If they are absolutely necessary in the edit, we can always go back and get them. 

We finished with the actors at about 14:30 and grabbed a few cutaways of the calendar and also an interview with the dog. This was planned and it's scripted that John's addiction effects the dog so it makes sense to see the dog and have it react to the scene. It's also another cutaway the editor can work with. We brought Sue home after, she was friendly and has great facial expressions. This was the first time being in a student film and she had a great time and is super reliable. John was also a star, he got on with everything like a trooper and aced (pun intended) every scene. 

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