Wednesday 24 January 2018

Day 4 - MNIJ

Final day of production today, and we are filming at Wetherspoons. We have two actors lined up (one I have not worked with before, he was pretty good and reliable. However he turned up to the wrong address on the call sheet) and planned to get someone to play Randall on the day. Me and the co producer announced our presence at the bar and everyone was pretty confused what was going on and no one had told them we were filming. Not sure what happened here. They still let us film and sign the Location Release Form. 

Filming itself went very smoothly (we lost a screw briefly but found it no problem), did a few takes from different angles and cutaways. We also couldn't find a Randall so we gave the line to Mason (I wanted the line in as it was one of the funniest in the scene). A quick rejig of the lines (e.g. "these two") and crises averted. We finished an hour before schedule.

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