Tuesday 9 January 2018

Mood Boards

I found it quite difficult to mood board My Name is John as Pinterest didn't have what exactly I picture the locations as. The kitchen pictures are very posh so I tried to find some with a kitchen leading into a living room (how I pictured the setting) but also a working class house (which don't seem to exist!). Pinterest also has a lack of UK corner shop pins so I had to pin a shop that cold felt items (but it has the right look, minus the felt items). I added a few colour palettes of a old yellow and a dark blue, to give warmth to the film as it is a comedy. The dullness of the yellow suggests caution but also happiness as the film is comedic and has a happy ending, with some darker themes. Blue can mean communication as well as intelligence and self expression which I think covers most of the themes John is going through. He expresses himself through magic but it is seen as a taboo hence the darker shade. The darker shade can also mean lack of communication between him and his wife.

The DoP and co-Director are also a contributors to this board on Pinterest.

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