Tuesday 23 January 2018

Afterlife - Location Recces

The Ward Jackson (JD Wetherspoons)

We have filmed here before and given them our copy of Public Liability Insurance. It's a great location, best in the morning as it's very quiet and are very reliable. Electrics are fine. We have used them multiple times and would be the best location for the opening bar scene. We can also use the parking outside for the Mother getting into the car.

Church Street Studio

New CCAD studio on church street. Electrics are fine, huge space, however there is no overlight heads on the left hand side. We need to fully blacken the room, painting the floor would be expensive and time consuming, so bin bags are used instead, with sellotape on the floor. This will be temporary (few days) and should not be a huge risk. It will be secured down. Plexiglass will also be used for a reflection. Risk assessments have all been done thoroughly.

We will also need the studio for the car crash, this will be the best location as we can control the lighting and since the days are longer now, we will need to be in the dark for this scene. The new studio allows us to have a car inside too.

Seminar Room

We will be using this for hospital close ups. A corner of the room will be dressed but we will just be using the bed. Electrics are fine. Can't see anything else of the room so you won't be able to tell it's a classroom. 


We are using the basement in the Folio building on Church Square for the cellar shoot. We will be using the portable LED's as there is not a lot of electric or plugs and I don't really trust it. It's also a fairly small space so it should be a one camera shoot. 

Church Square Studio

For the bedroom scene, we are using the old studio at Church Square. We don't need a big space and this studio is used significantly less so it was easy to book. We also know that the electrics are good and also has equipment there from photography. We are decking out one corner as a pink bedroom and the other as the dark room.


This one is optional due to time limits. We want to use the new set for the Workshop scene but 1) sound is terrible 2) time 3) electrics 4) cold 5) lighting is also bad - we need it pitch black but the windows prevent this. We will probably be scrapping this. 

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