Tuesday 30 January 2018

Professional Practice - To Do List

Learing Outcomes

LO1 Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of professional practice in your area of specialism 

LO2 Demonstrate the skills required to produce professional promotional materials to support your individual practice and professional development

LO3 Communicate your employment potential to prospective employers and other specialist audiences

  • Ask Lee for full Pink edit for showreel
  • Finalise website 
  • Business cards 
  • Pictures from FMP and Lost State of Dance live gig
  • Showreel 
  • Facebook
  • Twitter 
  • Linkedin 
  • Research
  • Apply for a job (LO3)
  • Step plan for getting a job
  • Leaflets/poster 
  • Video platform media (YouTube and Vimeo account)
  • Managing social media
  • Digital Archive 
  • Cover Letter 
  • CV 
* - need to blog
+ - upload to VLE
? - needs looking at

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