Monday 22 January 2018

Day 3 - MNIJ

This is our last day scheduled with John! First up was the theatre scene. I put out a casting call that ended up on Hartlepool News & Alerts on Facebook with 30 shares! However, no one turned up. At all. I was very disappointed. I asked a few friends to come down too but even they didn't turn up. So we changed plan and got John's close ups first and see if anyone turned up later on (spoiler alert; they didn't). My Mam was on shoot today as she wanted to be involved as she's a big fan of John Archer. She and the owner of the Club went actor scouting for us while we were filming John's close ups. They came back with three blokes, one being Adam's (a previous graduate) Dad! Two didn't speak very good English so it was a bit of a challenge telling them where to sit, what to do, etc, but they clicked on soon enough when people started clapping. 

The owner also stepped up last minute to be Patron 1 (and my Mam for Patron 2, which we rehearsed last night). It went very well and we finished on schedule. The place is also looking for publicity so I offered our services if they ever want an advert doing, or promotion at the Uni.

We went to Wetherspoons for lunch (handy, but also to buy John dinner as a thank you for doing this. It's really the least we could have done. He didn't even want travel expenses). 

Back into the grind at 1pm for the Alley scene which went very smoothly. There was some sound issues but we have plenty of takes. And one cutaway just in case (which may break the line, but it does look good). We quickly got a pick up shot of John walking into the self help group as an opening shot. So we establish he is the main character and we are following him.

Today went very well and finished at 2pm (an hour before estimated wrap). 

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