Tuesday 16 January 2018

Test Footage

Today me and the director of Afterlife did a few tests with the slow mo setting on the new Blackmagic cameras. I took a few notes of how to do it, but I ended up having to YouTube a tutorial;

I followed the steps and also lit the tests more that I would usually to compensate for the higher shutter speed. We had two red heads to act as car headlights, and also two overhead studio lights to act as street lights. We tested each shot in different fps (24, 60, 90, 120) and decided which were best for each shot.

We have decided to not film the water shot in the final film as it's not the best shot and the director has better ideas for the slow mo, such as blood trickling down. We have also been told to improve the lighting, we need some sort of backlight (another red head maybe, and say it's a car behind). 

For the head shot, we used three hairdryers to make it as exaggerated as possible. It looked like a L'Oreal advert on 120fps so we avoided that. 

For the emergency lights, we had two gels moving after each other in the tune of Pink Panther on the left hand red head where the car head lights would be. I also walked past to make the glitter of the shirt, well, glitter. I think it would be better with a red gel rather than an orange one. I also really like the reflection of the shirt on the book. The book needs improvement, and to figure out how best to make it fall dramatically. It would look best falling down on the floor, but it's figuring out how to do it naturally. 

I think the tests were successful, we know which works, which to avoid, and which fps to use. 

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