Thursday 11 January 2018

Auditions, Casting and Rehearsals

Today we held some auditions for My Name is John. My co producer posted in all the Facebook groups and made a chat for the actors so we could send details, scripts and character bios. A few people could not make the auditions so sent self tapes or show reels. I had a plan of who was coming today (3 definitely scheduled in, 5 that showed an interest in turning up, and 7 that just said they were 'available'). I was very disappointed that only one person turned up in the whole day. Luckily the new acting course should make casting films less of an issue. 

I have uploaded analysis of each person who have handed in a showreel (or a picture/IMDB profile) to the VLE page. 

The module handbook also calls for the Director to have rehearsals with the cast. However, with John's availability, we have had to miss this out. My co director has done warmups with John and Julie so they are more comfortable with each other and their characters.

*UPDATE* 18th January: Due to actors dropping out from only having one line and the location, I have had to recast the shopkeeper and the old lady on the day.

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