Thursday 18 January 2018

Afterlife - Dark Room Test

To create the effect of a fully black room with a reflection similar to Stranger Things, we used four long pieces of plexiglass found at Production Design. They required a lot of cleaning and even then there was scratches on it (hopefully the editor can smooth them out).

We blacked out the glass by putting bin bags underneath which worked to an extent. The biggest issue was the background. For the actual shoot, the whole room needed to be as clear and blacked out as possible. The lighting on Hope's clothing didn't quite work either but with a fully white dress it would look more effective.

Here, the lighting is just one LED in the corner. To improve, there will be two on one side a bit higher up on stands to get Hope walking all the way in, and one studio light on the right hand side. This set up worked the best out of all the tests. We will also need to black out the whole room, not just the underside of the glass. The TV stand and cables also need to be hidden, putting a sheet or black card in front of it will resolve this. 

We also only used one glass sheet as only one was ready to be used in time for the test, so only half of Hope's reflection is visible. All four will be used on the actual shoot and all of Hope's reflection will be seen.

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