Tuesday 20 February 2018

Social Media

I have created a lot of social media accounts for my cinematography. I will include links to each on this post and how I will be managing them;
I have had my Facebook account for a while and have even had a job from it (see my blog posts about the wedding photography and editing). I have linked my Twitter and Instagram page to my Facebook page, which means when I post to Facebook, it appears everywhere else too. I have done this before with the Facebook page for Cirque du Muerte. I'm currently updating my Facebook with new projects, as well as introduction posts to Instagram and Twitter as they are looking a little empty at the moment.

My website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be my main social media accounts as these have the most viewing figures and best coverage (LO1). My Facebook page is already proven to have employment potential. Instagram is perfect for photographers/cinematographers as it's very visual, but will be more of a portfolio as I have not seen a lot of people gain jobs from Instagram (Linkedin is best for applying for actual jobs, which now I think about it is also a main social media account for me). Twitter is quite similar to Instagram but with more professional connections so people may see it in passing. My website will be the main focus and tie everything together with my showreel and projects all in one space for people to see; this is where I will direct people to go. 

I have had my Vimeo channel for a while, mostly for college work which is a bit embarrassing. So I put those videos on private and changed my account picture. I am in the process of uploading videos from my old channel which is clogged up with gig footage to my cinematography YouTube channel but it is taking a while as I'm having to do it manually. 

I am also updating my FilmFreeway profile. I can't seem to add more credits to my account which is a shame, and doesn't look great with one project under my belt (Afflicted, which doesn't even have a poster or still). I have also had an IMDB account for a while, but can't seem to upload any headshots sadly. I have added a few official sites so people may even click on these. Hopefully these professional ones are decent enough to include; I can do this by signing up to a 30 day free trial, claiming the profile, and adding my picture to it.

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