Tuesday 13 February 2018

Wine Glass Test #2

After setting up for the Facetime scene, me and the director went to test the wine glass shot on location. The idea is that we would pan in to the wine glass which would reveal a landscape upside down. The camera would then spin 180 degrees so the landscape is the right way around. I did a few quick tests over the weekend and concluded that it was doable with a fig rig. Today we have a fig rig and put a new Blackmagic on it. Even though it was secure, part of me was petrified if I dropped it. The director changed the landscape in the glass to a bottle, but it had to be very close to one another for it to show up, but the director wanted the bottle not in shot. I zoomed in as far as I could but the result was very shaky as I was zoomed in so much, and also essentially going handheld. So we ditched the 180 fig rig idea. Instead, it is a tracking shot going from the Mother's shoes, up to the wine glass where we see her face, then of her phone which rings, then back to the wine glass where she downs it and leaves. It's now a very simple tracking shot (but requires me to do a lot of squats from the wine glass up to the phone to see that the screen is lit up). 

Yes I am using the fig rig wrong, this is when we ditched it and decided to do the tracking shot.

The lighting in the Wetherspoons worked very well inside the wine glass, but there is also an LED to the side (with a pink gel on) just to give some more light and depth to the shot.

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