Monday 26 February 2018

Gayle Woodruffe - Talk

Today we had a quick presentation with a representative of Northern Film and Media. They look and host a lot of events in the area related to the film industry and also offer talent development, some small funding and a production service. They host four main events; careers and networking events, bootcamp (which happens every quarter of the year), masterclasses and workshops. More info is on their website. 

Mostly, Gayle offered us advice on what to do after University which is useful for my Professional Practice module. Firstly you should know for certain what you want to be and what the role entails; for camera look at things like what cameras to use and where from. Next, there are two main production services/databases, one is north east exclusive (Northern Media) and the other is wider (Creative England). There's also two Facebook groups to join which I have already done. Creative Skillset offer further training and websites also have a Trainee Finder and traineeships is another option for getting into the industry. 

For looking at jobs in he industry, always find a person to contact rather than an overarching email address, and make sure it's the right person (usually a Line Producer). CV's should be one page ideally, and must hook the reader in half of that. Put the most relevant to the job first such as experience and expand on it. If something is not relevant, use transferable skills and make it relevant. Show your personality. Learning to drive is also pretty much a must (unless you're based in London).

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