Tuesday 13 February 2018

Facetime Test Shoot

We booked the equipment and location out a day early so we could test lighting, camera angles and if we need any other equipment that we have forgotten. This scene involves the protagonist waking up from a 'dream' and video calling her friend. There are two cameras on this shoot, and I am in charge of the dark room set (the second camera op was in charge of the pink bedroom). The pink bedroom was the main focus of today and dressing it up, so I offered some input. Upon further inspection, we also need a smoke machine for the dark corner just to add some more depth to the shot and make it a bit more eerie. The director wanted the dark room to not be obviously evil looking, so I went with a blue gel for the lighting, which is lit from below, acting as a practical light for the phone. For a few shots on the day, another LED light was also used to light some parts of the face and hair.

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